Offensive waste

A waste stream commonly generated by our customers in the hospital and healthcare industries is offensive waste.

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Offensive waste disposal services

Another waste stream commonly generated by our customers in the hospital and healthcare industries is offensive waste. Offensive waste is often the term used to categorise waste that isn’t infectious or hazardous but can’t be stored in any mixed municipal waste stream. Coded by the colours black and yellow, offensive waste predominately gets placed into containers that are also called ‘tiger’, symbolising a tiger-striped pattern.

Tiger bag service (yellow/black)
EWC codes: 18 01 04 and 20 01 99


Types of offensive waste

Due to its non-hazardous nature, this waste stream can sometimes be recycled, but typically gets incinerated or sent to landfill. Using tiger bag services, Reconomy provide offensive waste collections through tiger bag services by our fully compliant supply chain partners across the country.

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Clinical waste disposal

Explore Reconomy's other clinical waste services

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Pharmaceutical waste

Pharmaceutical waste, or ‘medicinal waste’, refers to any waste that is arriving from outdated drugs or medicines that requires disposal.

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Dental waste

Reconomy understands the need for a robust and secure segregation system when it comes to dental waste.

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