| Customer news, Sustainability

Textiles: New EU rules to support circular economy

On Wednesday 14th February, European Parliament voted in favour on the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation for textiles. This marks a significant first step towards a greener future for fashion and textiles.

Although there are a few more hurdles to overcome before this is fully passed, this is a positive first step towards regulating the way textiles waste is managed. This legislation will mandate the setup of schemes for the separate collection of textiles for reuse and recycling by January 1st, 2025. Businesses will have an 18-month window to comply once the final decision is made and the starting point date is set.

March will be a pivotal month as the next vote takes place right before the June elections. The pressure is on for businesses to adapt and innovate within this tight timeframe.


James Beard, Head of Voluntary Compliance at Valpak by Reconomy comments: “I am thrilled to see progress being made with Textile EPR within the EU. The challenges posed to textile producers from EPR are not insignificant, but standardising elements of EPR across Member States will result in a more streamlined experience for any companies that have obligations in multiple territories”.


The legislation applies to everyday textile products such as clothing and accessories, blankets, bed linen, curtains, hats, footwear, mattresses and carpets, including products that contain textile-related materials such as leather, composition leather, rubber or plastic.  Urgent action is needed as the impact these items have on the environment continues to grow. The European Commission quotes that 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste is generated in the EU and it is estimated that less than 1% of all textiles worldwide are recycled into new products.

The EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles sets out to address the production and consumption of textiles whilst recognising the importance of the sector. It aims to evaluate and address the entire lifecycle of textile products to propose coordinated action to change the way we produce and consume textiles.

For businesses that generate textile waste, now is the time to understand its obligations and the changes on the horizon, whilst exploring the opportunities to stay ahead of the curve and become more circular and sustainable.

Reconomy already supports businesses across the world to make this transition smooth and efficient. With our expertise in technology, logistics, data services, and compliance schemes, we’re equipped to help set up take-back programs.

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