Ionised smoke alarm disposal

Reconomy has noticed that a growing number of ionised alarms are being produced across the social housing industry which are proving challenging to recycle. Given the sudden surge, Reconomy is delighted to tell you that we have a recycling solution!

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What are Ionised smoke alarms?

A common waste stream found across many of our social housing sites, ionised smoke alarms are part of the hazardous waste family due to the radioactive material between their two plates. This material makes ionised alarms more dangerous than regular alarms, meaning it requires specialist disposal.

How to dispose of ionised smoke alarms?

Although your optical smoke detectors can still be recycled as part of your waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) service, ionised smoke detectors need to be processed differently to maximise their recyclability. By working with Reconomy we will set you up with a collection service and handle all the associated paperwork, making it hassle-free from start to finish.

The Reconomy disposal method:

We will seperate your ionised dectectors, removing any batteries before packaging and recording for safe disposal

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Please complete the details below and one of our team will contact you shortly.